Environmental Studies of Amu Darya Oil Basin

On 7 February 2012, Green Tech Construction & Engineering Co. was awarded by  CNPCI Watan Oil and Gas Afghanistan Ltd. to implement the environmental studies of 5(five) Designated oil fields and 3 (three) Designated blocks. Total 8 (eight) BEA (Baseline Environmental Assessment) and 8 (eight) EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) reports will be prepared under this […]

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Packaged WWTP for Afghan National Army: PIC III, Pol-e-Charkhi, Kabul

Packaged WWTP for Afghan National Army: PIC III, Pol-e-Charkhi, Kabul

We provided two (2) AEROMIX model A-70M36-SUSHC prefabricated steel extended aeration/complete mix active sludge wastewater treatment systems manufactured by AEROMIX Systems, Inc., Golden Valley, Minnesota. Each wastewater treatment system has a design flow of up to 70,000 gallons per day of domestic wastewater and includes a flow equalization tank, aeration tank, clarifier, sludge holding tank, […]

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Packaged WWTP for Afghan National Police: MES RLC/ ANCOP Upgrades, Mazar-e-Sharif

Packaged WWTP for Afghan National Police: MES RLC/ ANCOP Upgrades, Mazar-e-Sharif

We provided two (2) AEROMIX model A-40M40-SUSHC prefabricated steel extended aeration/complete mix active sludge wastewater treatment systems manufactured by AEROMIX System, Inc., Golden Valley, Minnesota. Each wastewater treatment system has a design flow of up to 40,000 gallons per day of domestic wastewater and includes a flow equalization tank, aeration tank, clarifier, sludge holding tank, […]

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Packaged WWTP for Afghan national Police UP Provincial HQ/MED, Kunduz

Packaged WWTP for Afghan national Police UP Provincial HQ/MED, Kunduz

This treatment plant is A-20M24-SUSHC model prefabricate steel package manufactured by AEROMIX Systems, Inc,. Minneapolis, Minnesota. The wastewater treatment system is of the activated sludge type, specifically known as “Complete Mix/Extended Aeration Activated Sludge”. The system shall be designed for treating a total of 20,700 gallons per day of 400 mg/L BOD 5, 400 mg/L […]

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