Green Tech plans to acquire approximately 1200 km of 2D seismic data and to drill total of 2 wells in the northern Afghanistan as part of Company’s oil and gas exploration program commitment with terms of the concession agreement. Before commencement of Seismic Data Acquisition Baseline Environmental Assessment along with the Social Impact Assessment studies shall be carried out and before commencement of Drilling Activity Environmental Impact Assessment shall be carried out according to article 13 of Environment Law of Afghanistan, for the area of Mazar-I Sharif.
Green Tech plans to acquire approximately 1200 km of 2D seismic data and to drill total of 2 wells in the northern Afghanistan as part of Company’s oil and gas exploration program commitment with terms of the concession agreement. Before commencement of Seismic Data Acquisition Baseline Environmental Assessment along with the Social Impact Assessment studies shall be carried out and before commencement of Drilling Activity Environmental Impact Assessment shall be carried out according to article 13 of Environment Law of Afghanistan, for the area of Mazar-I Sharif.