Lagoon System for Gardez Utility Upgrade at Camp Thunder, Paktya

Lagoon System for Gardez Utility Upgrade at Camp Thunder, Paktya

Considering the 2056 m3/average daily flow, this project includes lift station, flow meter, headwork (bar screen and grit chamber), aeration lagoons, settling ponds, sludge pump station, chlorination system, sludge drying bed, gray water pump station and reuse system.
Green Tech shall also furnish, install, and test flexible membrane lining for above cited project with below specifications.

Type: Geomembrane
Material: HDPE
Color: Black Double sided (Smooth)
Thickness: 1.5 mm
Width: 1m to 7m
Area: 50000 Square meter
Testing: Destructive Seam Test + Air Channel Test
Reports: Work Plan + QC Plan


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